

EST. 1992

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Hi, I'm heather.

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eight senior girls with their arms around each other and their backs toward the camera on sunny evening atop the white cliffs of conoy in lancaster pennsylvania

Best of 2022 Seniors

Jan 25, 2023

At the end of every year, I absolutely love when I can go back through and relive each of the sessions that took place over the last 365 days! Today’s blog post is the last of the 2022 series, and it’s so bittersweet! I still can’t believe the year is over! But, without further ado… […]


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engaged couple holding hands and walking towards camera in manicured garden with small white tower behind them in annapolis maryland

Best of 2022 Engagement Sessions

Jan 11, 2023

Engagement sessions are a very important piece to the HMP experience. So much so that they are complimentary in any package that a couple would select. We consider them that valuable! First off, they allow the HMP Team to get to know our couples. Being more than just the photographer on their wedding day is […]


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engaged couple hugging as guy looks at girl and girl smiles at camera in lancaster city

Urban Downtown Lancaster Engagement Session

Nov 17, 2022

From seventy-degree weather one day to fifty-degree weather the next. It was quite a shock when we went from short-sleeves on Saturday to winter jackets and gloves by Sunday. But Taylor and Justin were the best sports about it with the HMP Team! Plus, we wouldn’t have seen Taylor’s adorable jacket if it wasn’t this […]


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two senior girls sitting on steps of lancaster county courthouse and looking at each other smiling

Downtown Urban Senior Session

Sep 8, 2022

We hit the town for an evening of fun for this downtown urban senior session! I don’t think I’ll ever stop saying how much these girls keep me on my toes! Their ideas and high-energy spirits make every session a never-ending ball of fun! Plus, the photos we took are some of my favorites. Just […]


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senior girls in caps and gowns huddled together in lancaster city with row of garages behind them

Summer City Cap and Gown Session

Jul 29, 2021

When one door closes another door opens. The theme that so perfectly describes a high schooler’s senior year and also the main topic at my summer city cap and gown session with my 2021 Senior Spokesmodel Team. They have officially graduated high school and are getting ready to head off to their next adventure at […]


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guy hugging girl from behind as they smile to camera

A Laughter-Filled Engagement Session around Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Feb 20, 2020

You often don’t know how your next couple is going to find you. You show up on social media, your website, and in-person, each with the hope that you connect with someone on a personal level that is deeper than just someone who can take their pictures. It has always been one of my favorite […]


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Photographer, go-getter, and ice cream lover
Based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
