He moved his hand along her cheek rested it right under the soft curls of hair beside her ear. The fresh smells of the greenery surrounded them. They met eyes and instantly a smile began to creep up on each of their faces. Because they knew their dreams of being together forever were only a few short weeks away. For a moment nothing else around them mattered. Not the other people walking around. Not the sounds of automatic hoses watering the plants. Not even the photographer while she got her settings ready for their engagement session to begin. The two of them were locked together, and in that moment, I knew they were perfect for each other!
We never know how we are going to find the one we are destined to be with. For Christine and Tim, I am sure this was not what they had planned, but I also bet they wouldn’t trade their story for anything! Christine was in the process of completing her grad school requirements when she moved to Columbus, OH for a predoctoral internship. Tim had been living there for several years but was often in a different state as he is a captain (pilot). Through a dating app and perfect timing, the two connected and quickly realized that there was more to this than just a friendship! As the conversations grew longer, and they dove deeper into their stories, Christine quickly realized that she was never going to meet a kinder, more patient man than Tim. It didn’t take Tim long to feel the same about Christine, and in November when he proposed in the Baltimore Conservatory, it took her no time to give him the answer he had been waiting for…YES!!!
Sometimes, there is a little sense of nervousness as I get ready to meet a new client for their engagement session, but that was not the case at all for these two. Christine and Tim instantly made me fall in love with them as a couple! They were so full of happiness and up for anything! Christine has a smile that just warms your heart and infectiously spreads on to your face, and Tim could not have been a more kind, willing guy. As we talked throughout the whole session at the beautiful Ott’s Exotic Plants about the upcoming wedding day and the two of them, I knew right away I’d be counting down the days to get them back in front of my camera. They were so easy to photograph as they couldn’t stop smiling and being close to each other! Christine nailed it with her beautiful dress choices that complemented perfectly with each plant they were surrounded by! I had so much fun being around the two of them and capturing all the love between these two. I have SO many favorites and CANNOT wait until their wedding day!
XOXO ~ Heather Marie

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