Maximize Your Tax Deductions as a Photographer📷
Keep More of What You Earn: Essential Tax Strategies for Photographers
(Without Needing A
 Tax Law Degree)
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Level Up The Backend of Your Photography Business

Let’s not be shy - you want more money in your pocket from your business, you want to invest more in your business, and you want to check off some of those financial dreams thanks to your business. 

Stick with me, and I’ll show you the way. From learning how to pay yourself, to how to make taxes feel like a breeze, soon enough looking at your business numbers will feel as sweet as Moose Tracks.

There’s More to Running a Photography Business Than Shooting & Editing

the course you've been waiting for: 

Make Taxes Suck Less

A Beginner Photographer’s Guide to Taxes

is now here


1-0n-1 Tax Prep Mentoring

Investing in yourself and your business is one of the best things you can do. Especially when you are at a point where you are unsure of what steps to take next. My mentoring sessions will help you understand your numbers so you can be prepared for tax season. 

click to learn more!



I may be crazy, but I love tax season. Submitting all the numbers, and figuring out how my business did over the past year makes me very happy. So, I wanted to create something that helped you feel a little less stressed during tax season. Enter my Wedding Tax Spreadsheet! This spreadsheet will help you stay organized with all your expenses and income throughout the year, so when tax season comes around, all you have to do is send over the numbers!

sound great? click to find out more!


Tax Preparation Checklist

This checklist covers personal and business tax documentation needs, ensuring your prepared for every aspect of tax season

I need this!


Tax Deduction Database

This database includes all relevant tax deduction categories tailored for photographers, plus over 100 expense examples that fit. everyday photography - related business activities

Yes, Please!!


12-Month Wedding Planning Workbook

I have a love for organization and helping others in their businesses. So I came up with this workbook, so you can wow your couple's with an unbelievable gift, as soon as they book, to help them stay organized and confident throughout the entire wedding planning process. 

click to learn more!


Second Shooter Guide Template

Do you often work with a hand-full of different second shooters each year? If so, this guide may be perfect for you! Now you can easily share your expectations and settings to your second shooters prior to the wedding day, plus give them examples to reference as they gear up to shoot with you. No more need for long emails explaining everything or teaching on the wedding day.

click to learn more!


Family Formal List Template

Do you get stressed out about Family Formals on the wedding day? Do you hate having to figure out all the combos and constantly go back and forth with your couple about the different family members in the photos? Well I am so excited to introduce you to my Family Formal Portraits Template. This will help you easily create all the necessary family combinations for the wedding day, so you are confident when that part of the day comes around! 

click to learn more!


Wedding Inquiry Sheet

Constantly loosing your notes from your initial chat with your couples? Forgetting to ask certain questions about them and their wedding day. Grab this PDF so you can leave each initial chat confidently and always have it for easy reference later on.

click to learn more!

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Inside scoop

Photographer, go-getter, and ice cream lover
Based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
