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Attison Beard | In-Home Newborn Session

Aug 13, 2019

Becka and Derek. Two people that always know how to make every moment a positive one filled with laughter. My husband and I absolutely love to get together with these two and eat food and play games! It’s been awhile since we have been able to fit it into our schedules, since they moved closer to Maryland and…had a baby!!!

An absolute cutie, if you ask me!

We met these two when Becka was our worship leader at our church. She has one beautiful voice! We connected pretty quickly with these two and always knew it would be a great time when we got together! We were so happy when we heard they were going to be parents to a little baby boy!! My first thought was that there is a great chance this baby is going to be an incredible singer too and really swoon the ladies! But all joking aside, he is going to be raised in a strong and supportive family with these two as his parents. Attison will be overly loved from his entire family! I can’t wait to see as he grows into the strong-willed boy I’m sure he will be with such amazing role models in his life.

This session with the three of them was so special to me! I love seeing my friends start to grow their families and bring new life into the world. It has me so hopeful when the time comes for Joel and I. But until then, I will happily hold and cuddle all of their babies!!

Becka and Derek, Joel and I are so happy for you two!

We know you are going to be incredible parents. We already saw it on Sunday as you both were so caring of the other and making sure they were good before you did what you needed to do. Attison has the best two people to look up to as he navigates through this world. Always love him unconditionally. Give him an extra hug, even if he says he is embarrassed. Teach him all the best games to play. And constantly have random dance parties in the house! I can’t wait to see you grow as a family of three! I hope you enjoy these sneak peeks from your cozy family session!

XOXO ~ Heather Marie
parents sitting on couch kissing with baby in dads arms

dad holding baby in hands with mom sitting beside
mom holding baby in arms and dad looking down over her shoulder
mom and dad individually holding baby
mom and dad laying on either side of baby on their bed
baby in moms arms
mom and dad laying on bed beside baby
baby laying in dads arms
mom kissing baby on cheek
dad and mom sitting on bed with dad holding baby in arms
dad kissing babies forhead
parents holding baby between them looking down at him
mom sitting on bed holding baby and forehead resting on dads
mom holding baby and kissing his forehead and dad kissing moms forehead
baby laying in crib with parents touching his head and hands
baby laying beside dinosaur
baby laying beside dinosaur
mom holding baby beside crib with dad's arms wrapped around mom
babies hand and stuffed animals

To see more In home Newborn Sessions, click the links below:

Calming In Home Newborn Session

Peaceful In Home Newborn Session

In-Home Newborn Session

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Photographer, go-getter, and ice cream lover
Based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
