Maximize Your Tax Deductions as a Photographer📷
Keep More of What You Earn: Essential Tax Strategies for Photographers
(Without Needing A
 Tax Law Degree)
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Weekly Tax Organization Rhythm

May 22, 2024

Today, I wanted to share a little secret that’s made a big difference in my life:

Having a solid morning routine.

There’s something magical about starting the day with a sense of purpose and clarity. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a quiet cup of coffee, or some journaling time, setting a positive tone in the morning can make the whole day feel more manageable and productive.

But here’s the kicker—this morning routine mindset isn’t just for getting your day off to a good start.

It’s also the perfect inspiration for tackling bigger tasks, like tax prep.

Just like a good morning routine sets you up for daily success, having a weekly tax organization rhythm can help you stay on top of your tax preparation.

Imagine this: every week, you set aside a little time—maybe it’s a Monday morning or a Friday afternoon —to review your receipts or organize your expenses. It doesn’t have to be a huge chunk of time, just a consistent, dedicated slot where you focus solely on your tax-related tasks.

By incorporating this into your weekly schedule, you’ll find that tax season becomes a lot less stressful.

No more scrambling for documents or trying to remember what that mysterious expense was from six months ago. Everything will be neatly organized and up-to-date, making the whole process smoother and more efficient.

So, if you haven’t already, give it a try!

Head to this week’s YouTube video to see the four things I do for my weekly tax organization rhythm.

It starts with a morning routine that gets you focused for the day, but transitions to a rhythm that makes tax season less stressful. Trust me, your future self will thank you.

XOXO ~ Heather Marie

If you found this helpful you may also find this freebie helpful. It is a guide to 45 goals for your first full year in business. If you can cross these off in 2024 you will jump your business significantly ahead compared to your competitors.

Grab the link HERE.

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Photographer, go-getter, and ice cream lover
Based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
