So far this year, I have turned on the OOO responder and traveled to Texas and Florida! I had never been to Texas before, and Florida is always a favorite place to visit. Texas was for the Creative Educator Conference. It was freezing cold, so I didn’t really explore the state but got to connect […]
A perfect MATCH! What everyone hopes for when finding their spouse. A best friend. A soul mate. Their one true love. For Julie and Elliott, this phrase couldn’t be any more accurate. They both made the decision to go to med school. Julie in Pennsylvania. Elliott in Kansas. Neither of them knowing that this would […]
It’s Valentine’s Day. We all get a little dressed up and hop into the car for a dinner out. It’s our first time celebrating as a family of three. We pull into the restaurant parking lot with our eyes set on a spot. Then all of a sudden… The entire car viciously drops and pops […]
T-minus five days!!!! Are you on Team Relaxation or Team FREAKING OUT??? Or maybe you are questioning what I am even talking about. April 15th. The deadline for filing your taxes. Hopefully, you are reading this and have already completed it and potentially even received a refund. Whoop! Whoop! But if not, now is the […]
This week is a big week in our family! Adalynn turns ONE! Even typing it, I still can’t comprehend it. It has been exhausting but so rewarding, hard but full of fun, trying but oh so worth it! Being a mom has made me take a step back in my business and see how I […]
Do you use a second shooter? Do you have a virtual assistant? How about a private editor? If you answered yes! Then keep reading! Independent contractors are incredible when it comes to running a small business. It saves you the extra steps needed to have employees while still allowing you to outsource things in your […]
On March 14th in 1993, PA had a blizzard that left over two feet of snow. On March 14th in 2024, PA had 72 degree weather and was filled with sunshine. Which would you rather have? Megan and Brady were thankful for the latter for their elegant Longwood Gardens engagement session. As I type this, […]
The best news just hit your inbox… You just got paid!!! It’s like Christmas Day every time you look at your bank account and a new line pops up with a positive amount showing! Instantly, you may be thinking of how you can spend it. New equipment New education […]
Since starting my business back in 2018, I have tested out and used a lot of office supplies and software. Some were great; others were quickly replaced. Now, I have a core set-up of my supplies and software that feel like a “third arm” in my business. They are used daily and are part of […]
Real talk: I am having a slight freak out moment… I just licked (aka pulled the sticker cover off, haha) and sealed up the final envelope for Adalynn’s FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY!!! What in the world?!? Where did the last year go? I can’t believe I am about to have a one year old. If you […]