Tell me I’m not the only one…. If you spread out a price into several payments instead of one payment, it somehow makes your brain feel like it isn’t quite as “big” of a hit to your bank account. For instance, seeing $1,000 could take your breath away, but four payments for $250 doesn’t seem […]
This week is a big week in our family! Adalynn turns ONE! Even typing it, I still can’t comprehend it. It has been exhausting but so rewarding, hard but full of fun, trying but oh so worth it! Being a mom has made me take a step back in my business and see how I […]
Do you use a second shooter? Do you have a virtual assistant? How about a private editor? If you answered yes! Then keep reading! Independent contractors are incredible when it comes to running a small business. It saves you the extra steps needed to have employees while still allowing you to outsource things in your […]
Real talk: I am having a slight freak out moment… I just licked (aka pulled the sticker cover off, haha) and sealed up the final envelope for Adalynn’s FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY!!! What in the world?!? Where did the last year go? I can’t believe I am about to have a one year old. If you […]
It’s the end of the month! Have you been staying on top of categorizing your expenses each week? If not, now is the time to make sure February is taken care of, so it doesn’t pile up at the end of the year. This can be done by: Whichever way you decide to categorize your […]
I have a question for you. What is your favorite course, conference, or piece of education you learned from in 2023? In this industry, things are ALWAYS changing, and so I never want to stop learning. I would love to hear your favorites in case it is something I haven’t taken/could be helpful for my […]
Have your ever read the “Five Love Languages” book? The book walks you through the five different love languages and then provides a quiz for you to figure out which one you are. It is a great way to understand and connect with your spouse. To love them in the way they receive it best! […]
Wow! What a week it has been over here! I just got home from hosting Round 2 of Conquer Live in beautiful Rosemary Beach! It was incredible to see so many businesses impacted and ah-ha moments had. I will be on a high for a very long time! But, one of the top highlights of […]
Last week, I attended the incredible Creative Educator Conference in Texas. If you’re new around here and haven’t see any of my previous tax write-off videos for photographers, click here for more. Although it was freezing cold outside, the content in the conference was on fire. My hand kept cramping from all the notes I […]
Let’s play a game! Which scenario counts as a tax write-off? Scenario 1: “Hey, Heather!” said Jess (Heather’s friend who is a photographer). “Want to go grab lunch together to catch-up?” “Hey Jess! Absolutely!!!!! Let me know what dates you are available, and let’s set it up. I can’t wait to see you and hear […]