When I started my business, I knew I wanted it to be a personal brand. One where each of my couples felt like they had my full attention throughout their entire engagement. I wanted to get to know them personally. To be able to show up on their wedding day feeling like an extra bridesmaid, instead of just a vendor. The way I did that was by creating special touch points throughout their time with me.
Things like checking in on them, sending them tips, and surprising them with a few gifts .
My couples mean so much to me.
They are inviting me to their most special day. A small gift to say thank you is the least I can do. I always send a welcome gift after they officially book with me. It is filled with a notebook, pens, an engagement style guide, a wedding planning workbook, and a handwritten note. It’s all wrapped up with a ribbon and placed in a custom HMP box.
It brings so much joy when they receive it and are blown away by the surprise!
It doesn’t take long to do but makes such an impact for them. I order my custom boxes through Packlane, a company that lets you fully design the inside and outside of your boxes. The options are endless. From colors to logos to text, you can make your boxes exactly how you want for a very reasonable price. Plus, you can save your designs and print more with a few clicks of your mouse! This is why I love Packlane!
It’s that simple!
But the best part of it all! The boxes are a tax write-off. As long as you have your logo or business name on the boxes, you can add it under the marketing category when categorizing your expenses. Now it’s a win-win. Not only are you showing up for your clients (with a beautifully designed box that they know exactly who it’s from), but you are also creating a tax break! If you haven’t tried Packlane, check it out here and start designing packages that speak to your brand!
If you found this blog post helpful and are curious where else you can find tax breaks in your business, click here to grab my 15 business tax category breakdown PDF. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the 15 most common categories and what expenses fall under each of them.
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