When you have been in business for over five years, you feel like you have seen all the things. Especially at an engagement session when it is pretty controlled and planned out for the shoot.
I stand corrected, though!
My Lake Redman engagement session with Madison and Nick was a surprise I never saw coming. What I am about to share is no exaggeration. I still am laughing at the whole situation when I think about it. Here we go….
I send each of our HMP couples a portrait location guide. It lists some of my absolute favorite locations based on scenery to help give them some ideas on where they may want to do their session. Madison and Nick selected York Reservoir. (Hint: this is not the same location as what the title of this blog is!) I love this spot. It is a perfect mix of waterfront and trees.)
Tons of variety for the gallery.
I had been there last year for one of my senior spokesmodel team sessions, and the images were beautiful. So, I marked it in my calendar and told them I was so excited! As the day approached, I checked Google Maps to make sure I had my travel time figured out and to make sure there wasn’t any road closures I needed to know about. All was good-to-go.
Or so I thought.
On the day, I headed in my car and was getting so excited for this session with them. Well, here comes the fun. As I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed a new field area off to the side that wasn’t there before. I instantly added that to my list of spots to shoot at. Hello, new ideas! But then I realized that the field just kept going and going. To the point that there was no lake any more. The water was completely gone.
My jaw literally dropped open.
I instantly went into panic mode. The spot they wanted was completely gone. I didn’t know that area very well to know if there were any other bodies of water we could shoot at. How was I going to break this to my couple. First things first, find them and come up with a new game plan. I saw them getting out of their car and instantly sprinted to them. Stumbling over my words, “Um, so I, uh, never thought I would have to say this…But, um, the lake is gone.”
I still can’t believe I had to say that.
In that moment, I realized yet again that I have the BEST clients. Madison and Nick laughed it off right away and thought it was hilarious. When they were in the car, they were looking around curious where the water would be. They assumed we would have to walk a bit. Nope, it was just a field now! Thankfully, Madison grew up in the area and knew of a beautiful lake five minutes down the road.
Insert Lake Redman engagement session.
This new location was beautiful. Stunning lake views, tall grass fields, beautiful trees. I’m almost happy the whole situation happened (minus the whole panic attack) because this place was a gold mine. And Madison and Nick’s outfits perfectly popped off, yet complemented, each backdrop. Just wait till you see. These two are the best sports and so sweet. We had so much fun joking about the non-existent lake, and we almost got interviewed at the new lake for a news report. Unfortunately, with our little location mishap we needed to get started on the shoot and had to pass.
Maybe you’ll see me on TV next time.
But all jokes aside, Madison and Nick are adorable together. These two scream happiness. Just looking at each other, they would giggle or make each other smile instantly. It was so fun to watch and capture that joy between the two of them. I can’t wait to have these two back in front of my camera next year for their wedding at their family farm.
XOXO ~ Heather Marie

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