Maximize Your Tax Deductions as a Photographer📷
Keep More of What You Earn: Essential Tax Strategies for Photographers
(Without Needing A
 Tax Law Degree)
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How to Manage Your Income

Mar 20, 2024

The best news just hit your inbox… 

You just got paid!!!

It’s like Christmas Day every time you look at your bank account and a new line pops up with a positive amount showing! Instantly, you may be thinking of how you can spend it.

     New equipment

     New education

     Personal trip with your family

The list could go on and on.

It’s so easy to think of fun ways to spend money. But, if you have that mindset on every dollar that hits your account, then you may be hurting yourself in the long run!

If you don’t plan ahead for things like taxes or bills or retirement, it may come back to bite you in the long run. It’s time to set yourself up for financial success!

In this week’s YouTube video, I am walking you through how to manage your money and the system I use to do that in my business. Every single time money hits my account from a client, I instantly do these couple 3 steps to make sure I am setting myself up successfully, both now and for the future!

Check it all out at the link below.

XOXO ~ Heather Marie

If you found this helpful, you may also find this freebie helpful. It is a guide to 45 goals for your first full year in business. If you can cross these off in 2024, you will jump your business significantly ahead compared to your competitors.

Grab the link HERE.

*Don’t forget: Thursday at 3:00pm EST is our next Live Q+A, 30 minutes to ask me anything. Bring your questions, and let’s get you past those hurdles! Here is the link to join the Zoom call.

Other Recent HMP Blog Post:

Valentine’s Day Senior Shoot

Tax Write-Off Series: Equipment and Contract Labor


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Photographer, go-getter, and ice cream lover
Based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
