

EST. 1992

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Hi, I'm heather.

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self-employment tax overview

Self-Employment Tax Overview

Jun 5, 2024

I’ve got some exciting news to share, and it’s not just about my daughter Adalynn’s first swim class. Though that was pretty adorable!  Picture a 14-month-old and her daddy singing songs and kicking in the pool! My heart melted into a puddle!  I can’t wait for the next one! Watching her splash around and learn […]


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3 Steps to Track Contract Labor

Mar 27, 2024

Do you use a second shooter? Do you have a virtual assistant? How about a private editor? If you answered yes! Then keep reading! Independent contractors are incredible when it comes to running a small business. It saves you the extra steps needed to have employees while still allowing you to outsource things in your […]


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Tax Write-Offs for Photographers

Jan 10, 2024

I am so excited for this blog post because I am doing something brand new on my YouTube channel. This week will be the first week in a series of episodes all on one topic. Tax Write-Offs for Photographers. This topic alone can save your business a lot of money when it comes to your […]


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How to Track Mileage

Nov 28, 2023

Mileage is an expense that we all have in our businesses (gas and car maintenance), but it is often one that is forgotten about when it comes to tax write-offs, since we do it so often for personal needs, as well. It can be easily skipped or pushed off, but it is hurting you in […]


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Five Reasons I Love HoneyBook

Nov 1, 2023

This week is an exciting week! I have officially started a YOUTUBE CHANNEL! Now you can get the same great education every week but in a video format! So take me on the go or listen while making dinner. Multi-tasking never sounded so good! Let’s continue to grow your business each week! We are kicking […]


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how to access timeline on wedding day

How to Access Timeline on Wedding Day

Oct 3, 2023

Let’s talk about timelines. Not so much about creating them but executing them on a wedding day. It can be a stress inducer to make sure you are on-time and getting all the photos in the small amount of time you have. One of the simplest shifts to achieve that is to always have the […]


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wedding welcome gift, personalized gifts, personalized packaging

Why I Love Packlane

Sep 20, 2023

When I started my business, I knew I wanted it to be a personal brand. One where each of my couples felt like they had my full attention throughout their entire engagement. I wanted to get to know them personally. To be able to show up on their wedding day feeling like an extra bridesmaid, […]


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3 Ways to Prepare for Tax Season

Mar 1, 2022

3 ways to prepare for tax season The dreaded time is upon us! Tax season! The time when you thought you had everything in your business running smoothly; but then you start to second guess it all when your accountant asks for your numbers. I know that feeling, and I have been right where you […]


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girl holding wedding welcome box gift and smiling at camera

5 Things for Your Wedding Welcome Box

Feb 9, 2022

Oh man! You did it! You just booked a wedding, and the couple is so excited to work with you. Instantly, you take a couple of seconds to have a mini dance party, and then you think to yourself, “Man, how am I going to thank them for choosing me?” The answer is: Send them […]


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Photographer, go-getter, and ice cream lover
Based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
