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Summer Garden Senior Session at Masonic Village in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania

Sep 5, 2019

Senior year. Big man on campus. The final stretch.

It’s finally here. You have waited for this moment for awhile, and it has finally arrive. High school is almost over, and you are soon going to be headed off to college or out into the working world. Some seniors are so excited for this time to start new, but others want to hold on to this year for as long as they can!

For Lauren it definitely seems like she is right in the middle.

She is just starting her final year for the girls’ volleyball team at her school. So the excitement of seeing how far their team goes makes her not want to rush the year. Along with all her other activities she is involved in and seeing all her friends each day, she definitely knows it will be sad when the year comes to an end. However, from chatting with her throughout the session, she definitely seems excited for what is to come!

It is always hard to close one door, but like they say, so many more will open after!

From what I can tell? Lauren has a very bright and exciting future ahead of her! She will definitely take this new step into a new world with so much confidence, and I can’t wait to see where it takes her! At her session at Masonic Village, we hit it off so well! Not only did we have so many things in common, I mean I could talk about volleyball all day! But she was so easy to just chat with and photograph. She said her mom always snaps pictures of their family to document their years. Well, let me tell you, her mom has done amazing because any direction I gave Lauren, she instantly knew what I meant and looked beautiful doing it! Way to go, mom!! Lauren and her mom were so fun to work with, and I can’t wait for them, and you all, to see some of my favorites from the session!

Lauren, thank you so much for reaching out to me for your senior photos! I truly loved getting to know you and having someone to talk volleyball with! I hope you have a fantastic season in school ball and club! Hopefully. I will get to come see you play sometime! I can’t wait to see what this year holds for you, but I’m even more excited to see what happens after your senior year ends!

XOXO ~ Heather Marie

senior girl in a field of tall grass looking off to left senior girl in front of fountain at gardens of Masonic Village senior session at Masonic Village senior girl with pool reflection at Masonic Village

To see other senior sessions, check out these posts:

Abbi Dehmey

White Cliffs Group Session


  1. […] Lauren was one of my senior spokesmodels the first year I had the team. Check out her session here. Now, this year, Paige was one of my senior […]

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Photographer, go-getter, and ice cream lover
Based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
