Paige’s senior session at St. Peter’s Village was the most aware I have ever been at a session.
Sounds a little odd, right?
At the start of every session, I always catch up with my senior. Checking in how school is. How the college hunt is going. Any school sport updates. Paige let me know that her senior class was in the middle of an intense competition. It’s called senior assassin. It is more fun than it sounds.
Let me explain.
Each senior has to try and find (off school property) another senior and soak them with a water soaker. Once you get your person out, then you take over their target. This continues until there is one person left. So it’s a game of watching your back, while also being incognito and on the hunt. Honestly, I would have LOVED if this was a thing back when I was in high school.
I would be all in!
Now reading that, you can probably understand why we were hyper aware. The person that has Paige as their target could have shown up at any moment. Each time a car drove by we both just took a second to make sure we were in the clear. I was willing to jump in front of her if I needed to save her from being hit and also save her outfit for the photos.
It was actually an entertaining addition to her senior session at St. Peter’s Village.
Even without this challenge, the time with Paige was an absolute blast. She is so sweet. Having her as one of the 2024 HMP Spokesmodel Team has been such a joy. Up for trying anything. The cutest smile. Adorable outfits! Win-win-win! Just take a scroll and see for yourself!
Paige, I’m so excited to see all that is ahead of you! Criminal Psychology at Penn State is incredible. I’ll be living through you vicariously. So, go kick some butt. The world better watch out.
XOXO ~ Heather Marie

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