EST. 1992

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Hi, I'm heather.

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Tax Write-Off Series: Legal and Professional Fees, Dues and Subscriptions

Feb 7, 2024

For many of us, right now is off- season!  *All those in that situation take a big sigh of relief. This is the time we get a break from the editing queue and constant client emails. Which means, we finally have time to update our systems and make sure we can provide an even better […]


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couple tapping their glasses of beer together as they sit at picnic table at bespoke brewery in strasburg pennsylvania

Outdoor Brewery Engagement Session

Nov 22, 2023

Engagement sessions are the best, in my opinion, when they highlight a couple’s relationship. To the point that if you removed the couple, you could still guess the session was for them. Kristin and Colin’s outdoor brewery engagement session did just that. When she reached out asking if a brewery was a good idea for […]


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3 things to have on your contact page

Three Things to Have on Your Contact Page

Oct 20, 2023

Did you know peak proposal season is just around the corner? Every year between November and February (around all the big holidays), photographers see an influx of inquiries due to the increase in proposals. The beautiful fall foliage, family home for the holidays, or whatever the reason, it is a popular time to say yes! […]


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how to track meal expenses for taxes

How to Track Meal Expenses for Taxes

Sep 26, 2023

You are at a photography conference and stop to grab lunch one of the days, and the waitress asks if you would like a receipt. Initially, you might think, nah, it’s only a little bit of money. It’s just lunch. But doing that would actually hurt you when it comes to tax write-offs. Yep, you […]


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engaged couple standing close together stop large rock at sunset at pinnacle point in lancaster county

Beautiful Pinnacle Point Engagement Session

Apr 15, 2023

You just never know what connections you might make on any given day. That statement is ever so true when I think about Jackie. She was a bridesmaid and sister of one of my past HMP brides (check out that wedding here). At that wedding, I absolutely fell in love with their whole family and […]


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senior girls all celebrating at the white room with balloons and excitement in colorful party dress for new years

New Year’s Spokesmodel Team Shoot

Dec 21, 2022

Can you believe 2023 is only 11 days away? Where did this past year go? Every year, I get to this month and try to reminisce about everything I did in the past year. Just trying to hold on to the memories as long as I can. Thank goodness for photos! I think there would […]


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guy twirling girl under his left arm as she flares out her magenta long flowy dress at pinnacle point overlook

Vibrant Pinnacle Point Engagement Session

Sep 20, 2022

Laughter is the best medicine. I have always loved that saying and believe in it wholeheartedly. There is nothing quite like a good old belly laugh to put you in the best mood. The ones where you end up in tears by the end of it, or you are gasping for air because your abs […]


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two senior girls sitting on steps of lancaster county courthouse and looking at each other smiling

Downtown Urban Senior Session

Sep 8, 2022

We hit the town for an evening of fun for this downtown urban senior session! I don’t think I’ll ever stop saying how much these girls keep me on my toes! Their ideas and high-energy spirits make every session a never-ending ball of fun! Plus, the photos we took are some of my favorites. Just […]


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bride standing behind her groom as they look at each other on dock of pond at sunset at lakefield weddings

Lakefield Weddings Summer Barn Wedding

Aug 10, 2022

Distance makes the heart grow fonder. That statement could be any more relatable for Megan and Anthony. These two have lived two hours away from each other up until their wedding day. I can’t even imagine! People always talk about how time-consuming and stressful wedding planning can be. Well try adding distance into the mix, […]


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groom kissing bride's left cheek as she smiles at camera with her veil blowing around them in lancaster county

Magical Barn at Silverstone Wedding

Jun 2, 2022

As Kt’s mom helped her put the finishing touches on for her wedding day look for their magical Barn at Silverstone wedding, we all stepped back in complete awe. She was a stunning bride, and the dress was immaculate. (I’ll come back to the dress in a little bit). Nate was not going to believe […]


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Photographer, go-getter, and ice cream lover
Based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
