Summer Fonthill Castle Engagement Session
Patient. Kind. Humorous. Adventurous.
Once a couple books with me, I always send over a fun questionnaire to get to know the two of them. It has questions like favorite hobbies, jobs, unique things about you, etc., but one of my favorite questions is what three things do you love most about your soon-to-be spouse. It just lets me get to know them before we even meet in person. Sometimes, the two answer completely different, but sometimes they are almost identical.
That is exact what happened for Jen and Diego.
The four words written above are what each of them said about the other. I just love how my couples always sync up so well together! Honestly, even just after our summer
Fonthill Castle engagement session together, I even feel like I would have used those exact adjectives to describe these two!
Diego was constantly putting his arm around Jen to just let her know he was there. Or holding her hand as they walked up steps or on uneven ground. Just constantly caring for her and being there any way he could to help. As far as humor, he definitely kills it when it comes to that. The laughter was constant the entire session!
Never a dull moment with these two.
Just as easily as Diego gave the jokes, Jen was instantly cracking up. Everything he said, you could tell she just embraced it and fully listened to him. She was always present with everything he did. Acknowledging his kindness and patience with every minute that passed. It was so special to just watch their relationship grow stronger each moment that passed.
However, there was one thing I’d like to add to this list of characteristics!
Glistening 🙂 Even in a 105 degree heat index during their session, these two still looked incredible the entire way through. I swear, I was drenched in sweat from head to toe. Wiping my face with napkins the entire session, so I didn’t look like a puddle. But, Jen and Diego? Barely even looked like it phased them. Sure, there was a small drop that would bead up, but with a quick wipe of the finger, they were good-to-go! No sweat marks that we had to work around or insane hairdos. These two can take incredible photos in any weather condition!
Seriously, they looked stunning the whole time!
Jen and Diego, you guys are amazing! Just like I said at the session, I am so sad how fast the session flew by. It felt like we had just started when we were already changing outfits, and then just like that, it was done! You two made the evening, even in the ungodly heat, so much fun! Thank goodness we only have to wait a few months till we are back together again! I can’t wait to see your North Jersey Country Club wedding come together in October! I will be counting down the days until you are back in front of my camera. Hopefully with a little less heat! Thank you for making my job so enjoyable and for just laughing through each drop of sweat together! You two are amazing! Enjoy a few of my favorites….. it was soooo hard to decide!!
XOXO ~ Heather Marie

Other summer engagement sessions:
Family Engagement Session at Overlook Park
Puppy-Filled Summer Engagement Session
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